• ·Aesthetic and roleplay website for Tale.• ·
• ·Artifact Collector • Student • Shadowmancer • Eldritch Horror & Deceiver• • ·
• ·【Chaotic Neutral // Chaotic Evil】• Server: BALMUNG •【21+】Mature content • ·

About Umbral Tale

And in-depth analogy on Tale himself. Going into his likes and dislikes, and how he perceives the world around him.

Roleplaying Hooks

Roleplaying ideas that may interest you! Be it from becoming his customer, 'friend', victim, Business trade, or to simple interactions!

Obscura Oddities

A curious shop rumored to hold strange artifacts of curious interest, and as well grant wishes--But to what cost? To what would be the horrors you suffer for such a desire granted? Choose wisely.

What I am Looking for

Be it from the Hooks to the interactions, there are a few other things I am seeking out toward the roleplaying community! I would advise reading these before interacting with me!

• · About Umbral Tale• ·

Real Name: Nox
Alias: Tale.
Age: Looks 27+ (?)
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral// Chaotic Evil
Race: Miqo'te (?) Eldritch Horror
Aether: Vast and endless in Umbral, as if the being was -made- of it. Solidified before another. Yet if one stares far too closely into it, there will be many ghostly-white eyes staring back at them.
Soul: Many trapped souls within. Held by some binding or tether by force. If one peers closer, Tale's own soul seems blacken and fully aetheral. Bound to that of the shadows themselves. Looking in for too long will hold the vast assortments of voices from those very souls into one's mind, as well as those numerous eyes falling upon who dared look inside.
Occupation: Owner of 'Obscura Oddities', Artifact collector, Student, Trickster &Taker of Souls.

Sexuality: Genderless // Goes by He/Him.
Orientation: Pan-Asexual.
Relationship Status: Single. [Seeking] // Poly // Open.
Eyes: Ghostly White. Pupil-less. Hides them behind his red-tinted glasses.
Skin: Dark, ashen nearly. As if a shadow. Cold to the touch, as one would in feeling that of a thick fog. In darkness he seems to be a fog, in light he is more solid to the touch.
Teeth: Sharp and monstrous. Seems to all serrated and pointed.
Hair: Wisp-like, moving like smoke in the darkness. Hair tips look to be gray, much like darken clouds.
Tail: Wisp-like, moving like smoke in the darkness.
Speech: Tends to mimic speech from others. Mostly talks like some limsa pirate.
Accessories: Barely anything, mostly pulls out things from inside his own jacket most times. Books, large weapons, strange artifacts. All within his jacket alone--To how they come to be, is anyone's guess.
Attire: Seems aether-base and changes at will by it's own use.
Shadow: Tends to evolve or grow, depending on Tale's own emotions. Can be use as extra hands to attack someone, or reform around him as a barrier. Most times unattaches from his feet, all to be Tale's eyes and ears.
Weapons: Able to summon any weapon at his whim, be it a construct of the shadows he can control around him. Knows no skill -from- the weapons, merely able to hold them with ease.

• · Expect From • ·

A strange sort of shopkeeper. One that will openly approach another if gained within interest. Either by the words spoken, held company, conversations held, or even by what aether drew him to encounter the other then and now. A note worthy of a creature, one that holds ghostly-white eyes behind a shade of red tinted lens, reciting what seems to be a curious lead toward some strange rumored place that is holds plentiful artifacts in his care. Those that can be traded--Or earned through other means.

  • Watches others around him. Mostly to how others react to one another, listening, carrying on without being seen. Hangs along where the shadows tend to keep their mark.

  • Tends to use titles and nicknames when speaking. Never calls someone by their name provided, instead gives random nicknames they deem of worth. To why this ancient creature does it so--Is for another to find out.

  • If someone were to catch his interest, Tale will take it upon himself to be acquainted. Talking, chatting even toward them about off and on things. Most times behaving as if a curious shopkeeper, or the intent of claiming someone as a customer.

  • Enjoys giving the sales pitch of his artifact collection. No doubt to give away, or even trade for another. Either those of minor power to the more powerful.

  • A creature that is unknown for their true intent. Enacting one that is either foolish, reckless, goofy, idiotic, or a genius all together. To what goal this leads too is unclear, yet--It seems Tale enjoys bringing in as many as he can along his 'stage'.

  • Long ago rumors seemed to behold about that of Tale's own shop, Obscura Oddities. One that took in weary souls--And granted them their desired wish. Surly it's not true--Right?

  • Has a unique trait of words. Going with 'By the rift!', and among other terms.

  • Enjoys stories that are foretold about the area, location, or the world around him. Tends to ca

  • Enjoys being a 'friend', that go-to-guy that one believes is there for them. Listens to them. Hear their woes and plays a part into one's story. Yet is there ever a reason? It seems this creature merely 'desires' to assist others.

  • It seems most, if not all, of Tale's body is aetheral base. His hair, tale, attire--It seems to be that of a smoke-filled illusion the creature has decorated himself in. Allowing him to change his 'clothes' at will.

  • Has a certain 'diet'. [RP to find out!]

  • Tale's shadow below seems to move strangely compared toward Tale himself. As if holding it's own mind. It can be see twisting and transforming into other creatures, moving about, even acting as a pair of hands and barrier for Tale if under attack. When Tale is by himself, he can be caught talking toward his fellow Shadow, who he calls 'Twili' on occasion. Said 'Twili' can be enacted as Tale's eyes and ears when he is not around. Allowing Tale to 'scout' houses from his shadow alone--Minus if any barriers or wards are in it's way.

  • Treads lightly with 'lightwalkers', as he calls most from this star. Seems to not stay too long in the sun's light or even near astral-base people.

Positive & Negative Traits.

Goofy & Charismatic.Selfish.
Theatrically comical.Dangerous.
Friendly & helpful.vengeful & vindictive.
Versatile.A liar. Tricks people.
Observant.Puts on a facade of caring.
Assertive/Takes action.Preying on the weak.

likes, dislikes, & confusion.

A challenge.Common Slang.
Artifact collecting of any sort. New enchantments.Any light and/or Astral Energy.
Able to trade something for another.Someone draws more suspicious of him.
Eating his favorite 'diet' [Rp to find out!]Boredom.
Contracting an 'agreement' with another.Being touched by ANY light.
Listening to stories. Hearing stories & legends of old.Being tricked or fooled so easily.
Unseen and unable to be touched.Someone using light against him.
Monsters & Leaders, enjoys their company.Windows.
Desperate Souls.The self-righteous.
His beloved shop, Obscura Oddities.Gil, finds it not of any worth.

• · Abilities & spells• ·

Such abilities that seemed to be the core root of what Tale is able to accomplish. Be it from his woven shadow-like attacks, to that of his more rift baring teleports around and along Eorzea and the star itself. A curious creation, a shadow if one dares call him so, that bends reality and time by his hands.


  • Able to summon shadows and darkness to his command.

  • Control darkness and summon a darkening barrier of abyss under his control if in a held location. Either to create a pocket dimension of umbral or a shield to protect himself from Light/Astral.

  • Able to use his own shadow as a second person, creature, or extra hands to fight by his side. Unable to be destroyed. Will dissolve for a short period before resurfacing.

  • Tale's own shadow-like weapons do not slice or harm another. They are made of heavily condense umbral aether: The very same as Tale. When struck by them, the feeling of being sliced open or more will follow. A trauma that unfolds, one's haunting nightmares become too -real-. Even a plague on their mind for nightmares to be unleashed.

  • Along with Tale's journey, is that of his trusted shadow, 'Twili'. A rather expressive silhouette that protects Tale at all cost, if need be.

  • Along with protecting Tale, it call 'attach' to another's own being, any corner of their shadow or clothes. Becoming Tale's eyes and ears over events he is not present too.

  • Twili, as it were, is also used to scout ahead of unfamiliar locations. Traveling across room to room to find any secrets about. However, can be easily barred by that of a ward or barrier.

  • Holds the ability to dissolve into that of the shadows themselves. Teleport through them, and even traverse to other 'locations' of memory.

Other known Abilities

  • Able to teleport into the vast unknown, and into his pocket dimension he controls. One that seems to be filled with shadows and whispering souls.

  • Has the ability to duplicate himself by shadow alone. Or into other creations with rather -different- aetheral signatures. As if a puppet-like soul he is twisting into performance.

  • Able to cast someone into a rift as he wants, tormenting them with the horrors of 'time' and 'space'. One minute could be forty years in Tale's accord. Having most immortal beings or mortal age faster than they dreamed toward. During which, they will be brutality torn apart, over and over in this pocket rift. Atoms, tissue, bone and all--Ripped to be felt during this time, and unable to escape. All until Tale -allows- them to leave, that is.

  • Able to grant that of 'wishes' to others. In exchange of something one values. Be it an object, or something within their very mind. A powerful thought, a skill they learned, emotions, or even senses. All be can achieved, or gained if the price is right in Tale's eyes.

  • Binds people into vocal 'contracts' with him if they desire his services. Allowing that of his -curse-, the shadow's creed, to blossom within another. [With FULL consent!]

• ·Known Weapons & Tactical Advancements• ·

A few actions that seemed to hold their own value. Either being one that never involves Tale himself, those in the form of puppets, to that of his own shadow-wielding weapons.

Shadow-like weaponsFor all purposes, Tale is able to use the going of shadows to create that of their own weapons in hand. Be it a lance, a sword, or even staff. All formed within that of the condense aether around them. If someone is -hit- by these weapons, or touched, there will be no physical damage to place. Yet of the -mind- is a different story. So dark do the shadow's own ability seem to drive, probing and forcing it's way to hold that of the other's deepest nightmare. All to reveal it ten fold into reality. The etched agony that is felt by such an attack, be it by blade or more, will be felt days after. Along with the vast horrors of one's mind to be revealed.
Puppets & DuplicatesTo drive away people from himself, Tale tends to have 'puppets' take the place of himself. All with a different aetheral soul and signature attached. No doubt souls that Tale has valued in this worth, enough for them to play the 'bad guy' in his story. They either kidnap, teleport, harm, or invoke a riddle for those that cross their path. All for Tale to play the 'hero'. When the full time, it was all under his control.
Rifts & TeleportIn most cases this is normally Tale's 'go too attack' give or take how another takes it's roots. To randomly hold the ability to teleport someone, even perhaps against their will, is one of a more brutal outcome. To take another and pin point them in random locations along the map. To either dislodge their sense of location, or to stunt them in high places to underground...Or even in a volcano. It truly is a mystery where Tale will shift another to where, either this is done out of boredom from the shadow, or if someone desires to 'talk' to him.

• ·Known Puppets Under Tale's Control• ·

Puppets and souls that are under Tale's command. It would be hard-press to tell they are even under the shadow's control. Being they hold their own aetheral signature and one linked to that of the shadow dimension. Beyond that, such records of their interactions with Tale himself are slim to none--All except Fable who is the shadow's claimed 'arch-rival'.

'Fable'Tale's claimed 'Rival'. One that is harbored with a soul of Tale's own control. To where Tale behaves and seems to follow well with one side, Fable comes in and tells the other of what secrets he has learned. Causing that of a strife, war, or even drama between two people or groups. Toward this reason, this is either to cause a stir within Tale himself, or to challenge the shadow to a duel of wit and territory. Ironically they seem to loathed one another, as Tale despises Fable for actions he had done against the shadow. Yet is this true loathing? Or really an act to gain trust? It truly is a mystery, and to why the Shadow would go to such lengths to be convincing.
'Genesis'First and foremost of Tale's kept souls. Merging into that of what seems to be a puppet named 'Genesis'. Whenever he is near, one is sure to hear a music box, one that plays ever melancholy to other such expressions. This puppet barely talks, and when they do, it is rather monotone, expressionless. Seems to be tethered to that of strings along it's core and body completely. As one would expect, whenever this puppet is near, there is sure to be a riddle or puzzle to be solved. Either someone kidnapped, or some sort of chaos to be ensured. Attacking nightmares, alter egos, it's really up to chance what will happen. All to set forth that of a held stage.
'Ares'The 'last' of the puppets one desires to see. Reckless in all forms, this 'puppet' is rather protective of his beloved Genesis. Going to lengths to gain revenge on those that dare -touch- his companion. To when Dekkel is near, one will hear the terrifying sounds of a piano and violin. Ever erratic, even battle-like in the field. This puppet holds the ability to teleport anyone to any location, forcing them into combat with another of their choosing. Creating that of monstrous creatures for one to attack, or puppets under his own command to steal one away. Usually holds the more 'longer' riddles and puzzles, normally by someone being buried alive with a limited time set.


  • Rivals & Leaders.

  • Monsters & Depraved. The unusual.

  • Greedy, gullible, naïve, desperate, & angry of souls.

  • Artifact collectors, gatherers, & treasure hunters.

  • Venues and shops--Merchants of any kind!

  • Customers to his beloved shop!

  • THE DARKNESS WITHIN! There seems to be more than Tale that meets the eye, one that goes heavily below the surface of just a simple shadow 'miqo'te'. An endless pool of Umbral seems to slip from the creature himself, as if his whole body was -made- of it. Even that of his own attire. Eyes far too ghostly for normality, even endless as they appear pupil-less. If one were to uncover what Tale actually was--To what horrors someone finds, it will be lucky if they make it out alive, or even unscratched.

  • ARTIFACT COLLECTOR! Tale is always on the look out for artifacts that have been claimed or taken in by another person. Causing for the creature himself to roam and seek it out in retrieval. If someone wants to have an artifact found by their character's hands, and Tale wants it--I have plenty of ideas to present! A trade can be given--Or a held price!

  • YOUR VILLAIN, YOUR PATH. Tale is by no means a fairy tale prince. One that is coated with mystery and layers of deceit, ruthlessness, and horror. This creature take enjoyment of entrancing those around him, either by coy manners or deceitful lies. Cold and heartless in his endeavors. One would be wise not to cross his path. Yet those that dare? Earn perhaps his attention and gaze to fall upon them. Taking delight into such a challenge. Wishing nothing more than to be entertained by the world he is stuck within. With a playfulness with each step and an even more aloft behavior, Tale is one to be remembered. If you have an interest in such a character, do DM me! Consent and agreement!

  • PEARL LANE.--AND OTHER VENUES! Tale is able to bounce around place to place, greeting and offering business toward those he finds of interest. As well as frequently linger along the more acquainted pearl lane. There, in humble service, he will advertise his shop, Obscura Oddities, even trade minor artifacts to his more grand collection. A face he seen before he will bound to find again, all to introduce himself farther into one's company.

  • OBSCURA ODDITIES. Deep within the darkest reaches of the shadows, lays a rather tiny shop that is rumored to be able to granted one's full desire. Home to curious artifacts, a few potions made by an alchemist's hand, and even more of--Something -else- that lingers in it's air. If one were to request If not to what one is looking for? Perhaps desire your luck within those rumors of desires becoming fulfilled?--Yet, can one suffer such a cost? Within it's given walls, seemed to be only the allowance of entry -by- the owner himself, or displaying that of a 'feather' to another. Allowing them three granted entries into his 'domain.'

  • LISTENER OF STORIES. Being such a creature of time, Tale will stop and listen to stories, whispers, rumors, or even comments to words that flutter about within the lane, everywhere and anywhere. All the more to gain that of an ear for it's morals, it's reasoning, and even--Him questioning it's origins. A curious creature, nonetheless. Always seemingly a place into another time, allowing him to eavesdrop onto others. Even writing some details into a small 'notebook' on hand.

  • THE WISH-BRINGER. Tale is a creature of endless shadow, thriving and living off what he enjoys within his immortality. To which, Tale allows himself to slip up time and time again--Allowing a 'wish' to be granted. A price to be paid forth, either by mind or item in favor of such a creation. Propelling them into 'The Shadow's Creed'.

  • GIVE OR TAKE.--THE PRICE RECEIVED. Tale, for being as mischievous as he were, is able to take memories, abilities, emotions, senses--And voice. And even, if need be--Return them as well.--For a price itself, all the more. To what Tale does with his collection of abilities, granted memories, even emotions he has taken--Is still but a mystery. Yet--It seems more and more artifacts are added to the list he holds--Similar to one lost ability found.

  • MERCHANTS AND SHOPS. Being a creature of curiousness abound, Tale enjoys investigating shops and keeps alike. To either dwell to their inner secrets, or even to sniff and see anything of interest for his own gain. Everything has a story, what will yours hold?

  • AETHERSIGHT. If someone looks into Tale's aether, it will be an massive pool of umbral aether within, filled with many sets of ghostly pupil-less eyes and numerous fangs. Stare at it too long, one will start to hear endless whispers. Some pleading, some angry--Even some laughing in madness.

  • NOTE! :: If one looks all the more deeper within Tale's soul, they will also notice the vast housing of many many many other souls inside his body. As if entrapped there for all time.

• · What I am looking For!• ·

  • A fleshed out, well-rounded character to interact with! If able, have a Carrd ready too!

  • Someone that takes the initiative. Take action! React to things, be a character!

  • Someone that is seeking more depth to their roleplay. Darker themes, the better. Complicated plots, storylines. Please and thank you! Bounce ideas with me!

  • Someone that is well verse in paragraph roleplay and enjoys long and detailed emotes. Someone that is patient, and allows someone to finish their post before starting theirs. NOTE: This does mean NOT to match my own emotes. Merely give me something to work with in reply.

  • Someone seeking things to do outside the bar scene. Be it in the Café // Crafter's shop Tale owns, to outside along the maps themselves!

  • A character that is morally-grey by nature or the law. Evil-doers themselves. Criminals, sheepish people. Really anything is up for grabs here.

  • Communicative People through Roleplay. Will say what is bothering them and work it out with the other. Something off? Express it.

  • The character -ABOVE- the age of 21+. Matured in interactions, and does -not- act like a child. Player is above 21+ as well.

  • Mostly one on one interactions! Group roleplay is fine with me, yet I tend to prefer one on one personally. Discord Roleplay is Limited! DM me!

  • Seeking enemies, allies, followers, lovers, and even business partners! Do Seek him out if you are interested, or even DM me! However, communication is a -must- with me, if you are uncomfortable, do speak up in any manner!

• · What I am -NOT- LOOKING FOR!• ·

  • Questionable 'good guys'. White-knights, meta-gamers, godmodders.

  • Heavy in sentence roleplaying/Only sentence roleplay.

  • ERP baits or ERPers. I am not looking for ERP, I rather story with that progression.

  • Non-communicative Roleplayers.

  • Child-like, innocent, pure characters. Or even minors/kids OOC and IC.

  • People that call my character, OOC or IC, 'daddy'. Even if you are joking. It's not funny.

  • Continuous Slice of life or plotless roleplay.

  • Characters that constantly get into or want to get into trouble, or constantly injured and healed suddenly after with no lasting effects of the injury done or why.

  • Immature 'I've seen everything, nothing can phase me' characters.

  • Non-progressive // Plotless characters.

  • Character death. Or godmodding his death without my consent.

  • Non-communicative Roleplayers.

  • Believe that I am my character, Tale, OOC.


  • I am over the age of 30+. I am married and have a self-held job as a digital artist. I expect those that roleplay with me to be over 21+ as well, character and muse wise!

  • If you have a plot idea surrounding my character and his business--PLEASE tell me OOC! I would love to work with you on such ideas!

  • I prefer darker themes over anything else. Conflicts and rivalry! Challenge Tale, take action!

  • No pointless ERP please, though I am seeking romance and connections with Tale, I prefer story with the companionship and partnership! I am not into being someone's 'Dom, daddy, or Pimp.' Please, Tale is not sexual.

  • No godmodding, Meta-gaming, or trying to change my character without my permission. Respect the golden rules!

  • IC =/= OOC. I am not my character, nor do I believe everything they do is correct or the same way I think OOC. What actions Tale does is his own and as a player, I do not condone with ever. I am just roleplaying a fictional non-living character.

  • Please if something is bothering you about my character, their actions, or I as a player, do speak up! I wish to be able to aid, if able, in some issues that may arise, before they stem over into anger--Or worst so.

  • I am mostly ingame focus roleplayer! I will roleplay on discord if requested, given it's easier access. Yet my attention spam on it is horrid, so replies may take a bit. Communication is key with me.

  • OOC friends! PVE, savage, raid, trials--I do it all. I always enjoy meeting new faces and people!

  • If you are a minor OOC, or your character is IC a minor, I do not wish to roleplay with you. Thank you for understanding!


Artifacts that have been gathered throughout that of time itself, duplicated by skill alone, and transferred to other objects for one's own use. All to be held in this simple shop. Originals kept at bay as another enjoys what madness such creations can cause. To how may one can -acquire- such, is either by a simple trade of their own curious artifacts of power, or by that of a 'price'. Being either from their senses, mind, skills, memory, or even emotions.

Replicated Artifact of EldDescription
Orb of SummoningThis orb allows the user to overlap planes of existence through a complex ritual. Used it to open up the world to an army of demons and undead once a day.
Crown of the DesiresA golden crown inlaid with rubies, requires attunement. A person who is wearing this crown and is attuned to it can sense the deepest desires of any humanoid within 20 feet. Gives the user images and flashbacks of the person's own desires.
Shape-stealerA Morningstar that allows the user to immediately become the last creature that the user kills with Shape-stealer for 20 minutes. Returns to normal after 20 minutes. Used once a day.
Eye of OdinAble to disrupt time 20 feet in front of another for 2 minutes. Can be used once a day.
The KeyIt looks and feels very much like a normal key, but emits an intense magical aura. The key can open any door in existence. It can even be used, to create and open a door out of thin air that leads to where it's user desires. It's more than a mere teleport. It can be used to enter a parallel room in which the user is able to see the world without anyone seeing him. He can't collide or interact with anything in the "real" world though. Even traveling between universes and realities is possible.
Revelation QuillWhile a revelation quill can certainly function as a standard writing implement, its true strength lies in its ability to answer questions. Once per day, if the user concentrates on a specific future goal, event, or activity occurring within the coming week, the revelation quill takes over and writes out a short phrase in response, often in the form of a cryptic rhyme or omen, much in the same way the divination spell functions. Once per week, the user may use the quill in the same way to cast contact other plane instead, asking up to 10 questions of the mysterious intellect that guides the revelation quill.
The Orb of OmniscienceLike a crystal ball with telepathy but anybody can use 1d15 times per day.
The Infinite LocketThis mysterious pendant, when viewed, takes the viewer to a realm of their own memories, where they relive their favorite memories.
The Witch's RingAllows the wearer to transform into a beast for 2 hours a day. D8 to which form you take: [ 1:: cat, 2:: frog, 3:: bat, 4:: owl, 5:: rat, 6:: raven, 7:: spider, 8:: goat.]
Chalice of PlentyA solid gold wine chalice encrusted with a diamond and ruby rim. The one who possesses this item will find themselves increasingly successful in matters of finance and trade.
The Fragile UrnAn ornate urn filled with ash, the user may call upon a deceased ancestor and ask a singular question. For each question asked, a crack grows onto the urn. This process repeats as cracks continue to appear in the Urn. All until it shatters. Roll a 1d10 for how many questions it takes before it's destroyed.
Dreamcore Woven WandYou can alter the dreams of another of your choice, even see them for what they detail. You are able to shift the current dream into a nightmare, or a wonderful pleasant dream. Or wake the creature up from their slumber. This ability is able to be used 3 times a day.
The Pyromaniac's EmberThis seemingly innocuous small red coal holds the power to cast powerful fire spells.
Rose-Tinted SpectaclesStandard looking pair of round glasses, light pink within their hue. Once per day, you can placed upon someone's face, showing them exactly what happened a bell ago in the past. Their tint when viewing is a pinkish hue, as the glasses are. They cannot interact with the past in any way, and cannot hear anything.
Mask of ThespianThis mask, when worn, allows the wearer to imitate any person perfectly, using a combination of illusion, enchantment, and transmutation magics. Not even close friends or family members will be able to easily see through the disguise.
Needle of Unstoppable DestructionThis needle looks perfectly mundane, but it is perhaps the most dangerous instrument of entropy in the multiverse. Anything that touches the point of the needle cracks and unravels and crumbles to dust, and I do mean anything, including any artifact on this list.
Necklace of MemoriesNecklace can record a memory for one bell long, and cannot be viewed by anyone who isn't attuned to the necklace. Once a day, a wearer can enter a trance-like state and witness a memory of an outside observer. During with, they are unable to physically interact, converse with or alter the memory. During the trance, the wearer will completely be unaware of their own real-world surroundings, suffering any damage done onto them. A stored memory can be erased and stored at will, allowing another to take place.
Ring of the PhoenixUsing all the power that the ring has to offer you, you are able to be reborn once. If you die while wearing the ring, your body immediately turns to ash along with everything that you are wearing, the ring being the exception. Suddenly, in a very bright and colorful array of fire, your body is reborn. You stay the same race but you must reroll your health and stats. You are also returned to level one if you are any higher level. Additionally, when you are reborn, the ring is transported somewhere else in the world. Even if you are able to somehow find the ring again, you can attune to the ring again.
Replicated Artifact of EldDescription
Perfume RingOnce a day this ring can emit any kind of smell or scent the wearer wishes in a 5 foot radius, centered from the ring. The effects last a bell.
'Bob'Bob is a bad of Holding, Bob is always in a bad mood and likes to cheer itself up with surprising whoever is using him with useless angry animals. Don't be like bob. Holds a mischievous spirit--roll a 1d4. One 1, instead of grabbing the item you want, a random animal and critter will falls out. Angry, and pissed off. Perhaps hold some magical spell like breathe fire, or turn people to ice. Will have to fight it off.
Cape of BeesOnce per day, just by moving open this cape you may summon a swarm of deadly bees against your enemy or who is attacking you.
Wildlings EyesA curious duo of orbs filled with the gaze of a more esteemed mage, one that is powered by raw emotions from within. To be used as their own eyes in replacement, or even as a powerful summons to hold within one's pocket. Icy in their colorful hue, they can summon forth aether within their priceless madness and serenity. Once gained, they construct another to be able to summon fire and ice within their craft, becoming a focus more than not toward their owner.
Voice of the PowerfulA held wooden box with musical notes inside. Housing the voice of a once great voidsent. One that could summon and command another by a whim's chance if need be. All one has too do is speak within the box itself to order another, and allowing it to amplify their vocals into a powerful summons's of unbreakable orders. The notes pick and play it's song for another to listen, giving it a more AOE effect toward those that hear it. Roll a 1d20 to see how strong it holds.
Deep PearlConsume this pearl to gain the ability to breath and speak underwater for 24 bells.
Scroll of WordsRead this scroll for one hour per day for five days straight. Teaches you a new language. Can be used 5 times.
Forgotten KeysOnce attuned, you can assign one of five keys to any door permanently.
Crustacean ClapperA claw-shaped bell that summons a hoard of tiny sized crustaceans that will do your bidding by it’s call. Act as your allies and follow around. You may ring the bell once a day.
Mirror of Spell ReflectionOnce per day, you can use this mirror that can reflect back a spell toward the caster.
Invisible TimerA stop watch like artifact that allows you to turn invisible for 60 secs and no longer. Recharge is every 30 mins after until used again.
Glass RingWhile worn, the over can use it to cancel out all damage to them or someone within 5 feet of them. Can be used only once per day. Used by shouting ‘Clypeus’.
Ring of the BeastCan speak to animals while wearing the ring.
Emerald SpyglassGaze through this spyglass, you can see the stars! Regardless of time of day, or even weather conditions.
Midas’s MolarImplant this tooth into your mouth and fully attune to it--Once completed, biting into any coin will turn it into solid gold.
Ring of Minor ControlAllows the user to control/order a creature or being up to one bell. Unwilling or willing.
Snuggle Cat DollIt is said to house a mischievous creature within its own being, trapped there with an eternal smile. If one hugs and adores it daily, maybe the spirit will grant good luck. If not? May bestow horrible bad luck. 50/50 1d20 roll, 10 or lower is bad luck for the day. 10 higher is good luck.
Amulet of the ShifterAllows the owner to shapeshift their face twice a day. To what race and gender they can think of. Only affects the head down to the neck where the amulet stops. Last for 30 minutes.
Book of SoulsSoul trapping. This book has very similar properties to the Soul Cage Spell. As a reaction, you can snatch the soul of a humanoid as it dies within 60 ft. of you and trap it on a page of this book. The book has 100 pages. A stolen soul remains inside the book indefinitely unless you destroy the book, which releases every soul tapped inside. Anyone who opens the book will see the soul standing before them based on what page they turned to. The soul always looks the way the creature did when it died. While you have the book open to a soul's page, you can converse with it as you would a normal humanoid. The soul has all the memories and knowledge of when it was alive and will interact with you accordingly. While a soul is trapped, the dead humanoid it came from can’t be revived. A creature that can see sensors (such as one using see invisibility or aethersight) can see the soul. Otherwise, the soul is invisible to anyone not touching the book.
Book of SecretsOnce attuned to the Book of Secrets, you can open the book and ask one question. You will then receive the answer in a strange whisper, and the knowledge of how to apply it. Showing it's wielder the secrets of the star. Be it a rumor, whisper deep below the waters, or even something worst.

Obscura Oddities Artifact Rules

An OOC consent and agreement to what may happen and what to expect from this artifacts. To which is what your character will enjoy!

  • The section about the items are seen IC--Only the parts detailing the item--not the draw backs of owning the artifact itself: Those are only for OOC knowledge.

  • Most, if not all Artifacts in display below are up for trade! Given they are replicas, the original Artifact is in a safe location. One that can be copied until the end of time.

  • Custom artifacts can be made! If one were to supply what was needed. [DM event!]

  • If someone is lacking in a trade that is requested, they may offer up a few other things for payment: Their sight, voice, a dearest memory, an emotion, hearing, or a learned spell they were taught. Deleting them from their body and for Tale to hold. This is only for any character development for someone to use--In case they want to forget someone, or something worst--Or even to struggle and have character growth for what they lost.

  • All artifacts can be altered into jewelry of some sort and or even magitek equipment, armor, or creation to be of use to the other's own discretion.

  • Some of these artifacts do hold their own plots. Ask Tale OOC about which if interested!

The Shadow Creed's Rules

An OOC consent and agreement to what may happen and what to expect from the Shadow's Creed Curse. Below there are three versions of the curse itself for comfort level!

  • This is not for ERP. This is purely for plot devices and to have someone's character fall into a more corruptive manner. With full Consent and awareness what they are getting into.

  • After marked by the shadows, the effects will take up to a week In real time to show. The progression is up to you to each stage!

  • The mark or curse cannot be removed by other means. Astral HOWEVER does make it slower. Though overtime use of Astral will make it useless against the curse's own ability, rendering and twisting it into an energy source to consume. A sort of resistance in place for the curse to continue.

  • The mark itself, when given, will alert the shadows to someone if they are in mortal danger, their aether is being drained, or any other issues that happen upon the host's body. It you wish for the shadows--And Tale-- to get involved into that, do give me a DM!

  • There will be a mark of a flame along -somewhere- around another's body. The player's choice to where. It is not visible for others to see but the person it's on, and the shadows that cursed them. But IC it will still be there as one of the shadows' marked souls.

  • If any of the traits get too much, or uncomfortable. -PLEASE- do tell me OOC as a player. We can work out a way to undo the curse and free your character if it is not a path you wish to take.

  • This is an optional path if someone wants a 'wish' from the shadows. They can place it inside someone, or not depending on the 'wish' asked of. If not, it merely will be the provided 'demand' he requested in the first place. Most times this is linked with Tale and his provision and service. To what wishes someone may desire.

  • The person is unable to tell another about the curse or even about where it's origins came from.

A strange, rather small shop dwelling within the darkest location in Thanalan. A shroud of rumors seem to linger about it's establishment, one that grants wishes to those that seek it. Within, it seems to be catered by a appealing, ghostly-eyed miqo'te named Tale. An offer inside/ Oh, do step within, into it's wonders, it's artifacts. Browse around, perhaps even enjoy the madness dwelling below its surface...

Obscura Oddities OOC Rules

Into the unknown many will go, but yet to fully understand what is requested is truly the more gifted knowledge. Do read upon them. And if comfortable with what is requested from the artifacts to the optimal curse, do consent!

Obscura Oddities Arifacts

Desired untold power? Or even a saving grace among the many? A corrected action, or even the foretelling of the past. These replica artifacts from eld can be of service, even to be bought out--For a small price.

The Shadow's Creed

What's this? Curious of -other- desires within such a small shop? Perhaps of wishes, even the fabled rumors of the building's own ability. Come then--Enter at your own peril.

• · The Shadow's Creed• ·

What claims of wishes will you make? Is it worth that cost? To harbor a lost ability for another? Come, join within the rumors of the more appealing nature of this strange establishment's own corruption and greed upon the normality of hearts. Being even placed upon the mortal flesh is but a mark, an outline of a flame. One that is encoded of the other's aether and being. None can see it but the host and the shadows themselves, showing to the unyielding twilight who is in control of who.


Depending on comfort, there are three versions of the curse that is offered! One with both mental & Physical torment, Mental torment only, and Physical torment only! Please read over these and to which you feel is best for your version of the curse, do tell!


Chills, sweats, coughing up small bits of black goo, feeling slightly ill. Hearing small, distant voices. Muffled at first, as if beckoning. Unable to tell where they are coming from.Chills, sweats, coughing larger amounts of back goo, slowly dissolving mentality, insanity slowly seeping in, seeing visions and people that aint there, slowly obeying the shadows when commanded, dark aether is slowly reforming the person's aether signals, voices get louder: nearly able to hear what they are saying. Sees Tale even as their good friend, a buddy: Nothing he does could be wrong.Chills, sweats, organs rotting away ever agonizingly, vomiting black goo constantly, voices are heard saying: Too late, can't run, they has you. Mentality is unhinged, the shadows' commands come second notice, insanity dwells deeper, visions get stronger, nearly feeling yourself as a ghost, the shadows' own voice is one not to disobey, one's aether is now fully dark/corrupted, skin starts to rot away, bones become frail, Can't think of anything else than to serve the shadows for all of time. Sees Tale even as their best friend, a wonderful buddy: Nothing he does could be -ever- wrong.

• ·MENTAL• ·

Chills, sweats, Hearing small, distant voices. Muffled at first, as if beckoning. Unable to tell where they are coming from.Chills, sweats, slowly dissolving mentality, insanity slowly seeping in, seeing visions and people that aint there, slowly obeying the shadows when commanded, dark aether is slowly reforming the person's aether signals, voices get louder: nearly able to hear what they are saying. Sees Tale even as their good friend, a buddy: Nothing he does could be wrong.Chills, sweats, voices are heard saying: Too late, can't run, he has you. Mentality is unhinged, Tale's commands come second notice, insanity dwells deeper, visions get stronger, nearly feeling yourself as a ghost, the shadows' own voice is one not to disobey, one's aether is now fully dark/corrupted. Can't think of anything else than to serve Tale for all of time. Sees Tale even as their best friend, a wonderful buddy: Nothing he does could be -ever- wrong.


Chills, sweats, coughing up small bits of black goo, feeling slightly ill.Chills, sweats, coughing larger amounts of back goo, slowly obeying the shadows when commanded, dark aether is slowly reforming the person's aether signals. Sees Tale as their good friend, a buddy: Nothing he does could be wrong.Chills, sweats, organs rotting away ever agonizingly, vomiting black goo constantly, the shadows' commands come second notice. the shadows' own voice is one not to disobey, one's aether is now fully dark/corrupted, skin starts to rot away, bones become frail, Can't think of anything else than to serve the shadows for all of time. Sees Tale even as their best friend, a wonderful buddy: Nothing he does could be -ever- wrong.

• · The Shadow's Creed Details• ·

• · Unlike most creatures, the shadows themselves hold offerings of wishes, interest, or even abilities. To bend a twist in the star itself, or even--immortality. Greed, power--Gain. Escape from a prison--Anything and all can be achieved--With a price to pay. To what cost is offered, be it someone's own sight, their touch, a memory, an emotion. Or even their very soul--The very shadows can take it for each wish one desires. Only--if so, to snare them within their grasp forever more. The price in it's own.Over time, within the agreement and conclusion of the wish and the offering that was paid, the shadows would of spread their 'curse' upon the unexpected creature in kind. One that is a seed of woe--Of corruption. One that, if left lingering--Will devour and claim one's soul for the shadows' own possessive greed. To cast them within the vast collection of souls they harbor. The beginning signs will being when one will start to get sick, ill even. Coughing and rising within a darken hue in their blood. Slowly, in time, one will agonizingly feel their mortal body rot away, leaving behind black gooey substance and abyss-colored organs behind in it's wake. Voices would be heard, calling--Louder and louder for each passing moment of their suffering under the shadows' own hands. Nightmares even invoked along their mind, causing even endless sleep for the already devastated creature's psyche.All until? Their very soul fully able to be plucked and taken away from their body's own coil, to fully submit to the shadows' power. Not only to render the now taken soul to retain their mentality. But as well their mind, memories, and more. Freedom from their mortal coils, and gaining access with the ability to wander and possess overs on a whim. That is: With such a heavy price to becoming the shadows' own plaything.Tale himself is a collector of these very souls, enjoying to torment and play with them under his own whim. Only then to watch them change and become the shadows thrall in mind and remaining body. A creature of chaos, of destruction of those around them--Even him--All to sate off his own boredom. No doubt one that is bond to the shadows' curse fully will never disobey their or his own commands. Be it from the normality of life, such as gathering supplies. To the most horrible, from cutting off your own arm at his order, or offering your body to be dismembered and crush under the shadows' demented glee. Anything and all, and still one can't die any longer from their torment. Endlessly being tortured by the very creature they gave their desire onto. • ·